Pipeline Download
OSIRIS modification to the data reduction pipeline are posted here.
We have released the latest version of the pipeline (version 2.3 - March 1, 2010).
There have been significant improvements and changes to the pipeline,
and recommend that all observers refer to the OSIRIS manual for your reductions.
Often with many users and differing data in terms of targets and observing modes, problems with a new pipeline version
will be discovered.
Please contact us with any pipeline bugs.
Thank you for the team effort!
Software Installation Script for Mac Os X - This script automatically downloads and installs the pipeline and all related packages into a user specified directory with the correct environmental variables (should also run on linux and unix) - Download intsall_drs_v2.3.py
Data Reduction Pipeline v2.3 - Download osiris_pipeline_v2.3.tar.gz
Released March 1, 2010 - Updated March 4, 2010 with new Scaled Sky Subtraction for K narrowband data
Data Reduction GUI v2.3 (ODRFGUI) - Download odrfgui_v2.3.tar.gz - Download odrfgui_v2.3.zip
Released March 1, 2010
Example OSIRIS frames to practice in QL2 - Star (R=14.5) in the Hubble Deep Field - Raw Frame - Reduced OSIRIS Frame
Major Changes to the Pipeline for Version 2.3 from Version 2.2
• Assemble Data Cubes was modified to includes a new wavelength solution using the operating temperature of the grating for each frame. This version also includes a new spatial dependent wavelength solution derived by Tuan Do. There were also fixes for how quality bytes were handled in this module.
• Mosaic was modified for shifting the cubes using accurate NGS and LGS headers.
• Correct Dispersion was updated to have the new instrumental dispersion for the new AO dichroic installed in August 2009.
• Scaled Sky Subtraction was modified to resolve numerous bug issues involving quality bit handling and “good” regions used for scaling sky. Also removes residuals that were previously left behind in J and H band scaling. Continuum scaling option for K-band has been added as well.
• Adjust Channels was modified for OSIRIS data taken during the warm detector period between January – August 2009. The Julian date is read from the header of each frame to perform the appropriate channel adjustments.
• Combine Frames was modified to include a new option of an average sigma clipping routine ‘AVGCLIP
• Extract Star was modified to include new options of either an aperture radius of 7 pixels (APER_RADIUS7) or 10 pixels (APER_RADIUS10) or totally the entire cube into a 1d spectrum (TOTAL)
• Users should be aware that other look-up files were modified for v2.3. For instance, programs used for the OSIRIS Calibration Reduction Pipeline (CRP) and the parameter file RPBconfig.xml were changed to run under v2.3. If users are generating new calibration files on their own they should use the v2.3 mkrecmatrx_000.c file to generate calibration files for 2009 to present-day.
Primary files that have been changed or added in v2.3:
Major Changes to the Pipeline for Version 2.2 from Version 2.1
• All modules in the pipeline are able to reduce the new K-band with attached smaller 100mas pupils (Kcb, Kc3, Kc4, and Kc5)
• Added new module Scaled Sky Subtraction - scales sky frames to the object frame based on the varying intensities of OH sky emission lines
• Added a new feature to Combined Frames, which allows users to specify either a MEDIAN or AVERAGE combine routine
• Added a new feature to Assemble Data Cube, which now writes out WCS header information into each reduced cube. This is also read in with QL2 and displayed (see QL2 manual for v2.2 changes)
• The ODRFGUI has been updated to include all changes for the new "Kc" modes and all new parameters with the v2.2 pipeline
Major Changes to the Pipeline for Version 2.1 from Version 2.0
• The Combine Frames module now uses an average to compute the output file instead of a median.
• We are recommending that users now use the Save="1" option within the "Mosaic Frames" module to output the final frame instead of a separate call to "Save Dataset Information". This change has also been implemented in the DRFGui Templates.
• The correct dispersion routine did not work in all orientations due to a bug with setting the output image dimensions. This has been fixed.
Major Changes to the Pipeline for Version 2.0 from Version 1.0
• There is now a gui so hand editing of XML files is no longer needed except for special cases.
• Added new module "Correct Dispersion" - corrects for atmospheric dispersion and instrumental dispersion and should be performed on all OSIRIS cubes after "Assemble Data Cube" in the final reduction processes.
• Added a new module "Extract Star" - extracts 1D spectrum of a stellar object from an OSIRIS cube.
• Added a new module "Remove Hydrogen Lines" - takes a 1-D spectrum and attempts to remove absorption lines due to hydrogen. The primary purpose is to remove hydrogen absorption lines from telluric standard stars.
• Added a new module "Divide by Blackbody" - divides a 1-d, 2-d or 3-d spectra by a blackbody of given effective temperature (Kelvin). This is primarily useful to fix telluric spectra, and accepts different wavelength ranges.
• Added a new module "Divide by Star Spectrum" - Divides cube by 1-d stellar spectrum. This is primarily useful for telluric correction.
• Fixed wavelength solution to resolve small ~0.1 A shifts between each lenslet wavelength solution.
• The "Mosaic Frames" module now updates the RA and DEC header in the output file.
• The "Save Dataset Information" module has a new naming convention for output files (ie, s070404_a017001_datset_Kbb_100.fits will now be s070404_a017001_Kbb_100.fits, without the "datset").
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